
Hello there! Welcome to The Mixedblood Review of Books.

Here you will find book reviews of books by Native Americans (hereafter referred to as Natives), about Natives, or in someway interesting to this Native. I also write about the experience of being a mixedblood (Navajo-Irish) and discuss American culture, racial politics, etc. from a critical perspective that acknowledges America as a settler colonial state.

I welcome books for review, especially books written by Native authors. I will treat works written about Natives by settlers with a skeptical eye and if there is racist, romanticized, ignorant material, it will most certainly be called out.

Thanks for stopping by!

5 responses to “About

  1. Hello Lindsay,
    I hope you don’t mind my commenting here. I’ve just read your paper in Indian Country Today, and I want to thank you for a well-written and thoughtful piece on this day of remembrance for Native peoples and the Lakota in particular. I hope it gets into other papers! You have presented yourself and the issues very well. It’s time the American population as a whole understood the truth. I would be honored if you’d allow me to follow your blog here on WP. I’m not native (Scots-Swiss) but do support my Native friends who are working to gain better lives. So I’m happy to read views like yours. Stand proud, you can be.
    Michelle B.

  2. Hi Michelle,
    Don’t mind at all. Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoy my blog. Don’t give up the good fight!


  3. Pingback: A Trail Of Tears – Native American History Resonates For An Irish Audience « An Sionnach Fionn

  4. Robert A. Denbow

    Hi Lindsay, I like your slug “Mixed Blood Messages.” Ring a bell in my
    own upbringing. I was a state ward until I was 16. I knew my parents existed and had no idea of what they looked like. It wasn’t until I was in my fifties that a younger brother said, “Did you know we’re Indian (Passamaquoddy)? And that they used to call our father the “half breed” and throw him out of bars.” I learned we were offsprings number 17 and 18 (two marriages). That revelation and reading the book “Indian Givers” primed
    my interest in Indian affairs. I will read your logs to catch up on concerns.
    As an old foggy (78) I don’t do Facebook . Too new fangled for me. But will exchange views via e-mail.

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